
Home Energy Monitoring on Windows Phone

Interesting article on how to create a C# project to monitor energy in your house, based on the "Standard Envy Kit" USB interface. Good example of how to create a Web Service and consume / display information on a Windows Phone application. I will report results once I have tried it myself. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/coding4fun/archive/2010/09/27/10068304.aspx


Windows Azure Domain Name System Improvements

When you publish an application to Windows Azure, it gets its own subdomain in cloudapp.net. In order to make name resolution even faster (particularly outside the USA), the Domain Name System (DNS) used by Azure is moving to a new globally distributed infrastructure. As the article mentions, there is no customer action required. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazure/archive/2010/09/24/windows-azure-domain-name-system-improvements.aspx


Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) Explained

Excellent blog entry describing options for Claims authentication. The required sign-in flow is sometimes hard to follow, and this was a great reference for me. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alikl/archive/2010/09/23/windows-identity-foundation-wif-explained-web-browser-sign-in-flow-ws-federation-passive-requestor-profile.aspx